Nuno Santos Shihan

"Um homem, conhece as suas limitações, um guerreiro...
supera-as... "


Ninjutsu was not actually "Ninjutsu" right from the start.

It started out as "Shinobi Methods" (Shinobi no Ho), meaning methods for discerning what is right for the world, enduring, training to become a moral being, becoming aware of one's destiny, and dedicating one's life to other people or the world as a whole.

These later became known as Ninpo, and later still Ninjutsu.

The original sense was not one of mere Jutsu (tecniques), but rather that of Ho (laws or principles) permeating the entire universe. For this reason, Ninja always fixed their perspective on Ten Chi Jin, the relationship between the Universe, the Earth and Humankind.


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