Nuno Santos Shihan

"Um homem, conhece as suas limitações, um guerreiro...
supera-as... "

Reihō 礼法

Although commonly misunderstood, traditional martial arts are essentially martial arts culture.

There is an incidental Reiho(礼法 courtesy), but it is only a extra and is not a priority.

Samurai learns manners and courtesy from childhood through Jyukyo(儒教 Confucian) books and at home.

Samurai learns at the school style, represented by the Ogasawara-ryu(小笠原流), Ise-ryu(伊勢流), and Imagawa-ryu(今川流) .

However, Ishii Sensei, the eighth-Grandmaster(師家 Shike), said, “Tenshinryu is a different style from other styles.”

It's not a style for samurai becoming stronger.
Tenshinryu's purpose is to acquire the ability to fulfill its role as a Sirindan Samurai.

Learn the teachings and techniques used in various Samurai and Onmitsu(隠密 a secret agent) lifestyle situations.

Therefore, Tenshinryu attaches great importance to Reiho because Reiho is closely related to the technique.
But this is unusual in traditional martial arts.

Of course, compared to Reiho School, it is only a part.

So we need to study not only to learn the Tenshinryu traditional Reiho but also the Samurai general Reiho.
(Because in modern times the samurai Reiho is almost lost.Although the Ogasawara style remains.)

But another important thing is that Tenshinryu tradition and research results should not be mixed.

Kuwami Masakumo Sensei
Tenshin Ryū Hyōho


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