Nuno Santos Shihan

"Um homem, conhece as suas limitações, um guerreiro...
supera-as... "

Seishin - True heart

To understand what is right and what is wrong, you must have a sincere and truly heart.
To understand real Budō, to understand real Warrior arts, it is not only about training, about ranks, diplomas, certificates, medals,... It is about living the right way.
There are no diplomas, there are no certificates, there are no titles, there are no medals, there are no cups, which can make you a better person.
Only your heart can make you a better person.
The way how you live, the way how you behave, the way what and how you say, the way how you help other people in life, the way what you and how you make in your life.
It is not about art, it is not about teaching, it is not about other people, it is not about papers or titles,... only you can make yourself a better person.

Perseverence and benevolent heart
You must live it
You must deserve it


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