Nuno Santos Shihan

"Um homem, conhece as suas limitações, um guerreiro...
supera-as... "


My reason for learn, practice and research Warrior Arts was always protection, survival, defense, safety, care...

I never looked at Warrior or Martial Arts as a hobby, or just training, or whatever...Always was survival...this principle saved my life so many times...

Well, it is not training, practice, or is a Way of life.
Way of life means that you live that kind of life, where ever, not just practice in Dojo.

So, when I share my knowledge, experience, skills, principles, I do it to help people to find their way of life. I teach them in physical way TaiDen, in emotional way ShinDen, menthal way KuDen.

Recently one of person, a teacher in Kuroryūkan Dōjō in Utah (EUA), told me something which make my heart warm, and I realized that my path is to help people in way of life.
He told me: "Nuno, you changed my life. You changed many lives. You changed the world. You helped us a lot."
If I done that, then I am very honored and proud...

My teacher Ruy San, changed my life and show me the Way.

Warrior Arts is Warrior Arts, it gives life, it takes a life. The point is that we need to learn through those Arts. It is not only about fighting it is about find a right Way, a right Path to live as a human, as a Warrior.

To be a Soldier is a honorable way to become a human. To be a Warrior is more...I was a soldier I become a Warrior.
Proud of that...


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